The UKBT aims to bring competitive beach volleyball to all areas of the UK for all levels of player. For this, we rely on amazing and passionate organisers like yourselves.
We are very excited to have you on board and can't wait to continue developing our amazing sport alongside you. Please use the information on this page to help you in organising your UKBT events. ​
The UKBT is split into four levels to ensure we are one of the most inclusive tours in the world!
GRAND SLAMS: 2 - 4 events per year in high footfall locations for the UK's top players​. If organisers are interested in hosting a Grand Slam they should get in touch with us as early as possible.
OPENS: 1 event per region: London, South, North, Wales, Scotland, N.Ireland​. Targeted at the UK's best and developing players. Organisers will need to bid to host an Open in their region.
1 / 2 / 3 STAR: Unlimited amount of events around the UK focusing on engaging your local community.​ We encourage lots of these events and rarely limit the amount you can run. We just ensure there are no clashes with other organisers close by to you.​
JUNIOR TOUR: 2 - 5 events per regions: London, South, North, Wales, Scotland, N.Ireland​. The aim being to engage your local junior community at either U19 or U15 level. Organisers will need to bid to host junior events in their region.
The UKBT will support event organisers with the following:
1 - 2 EVENTS: UKBT branding, 3 x Wilson game balls, UKBT partner branding, Wilson discount code​​
3 - 5 EVENTS: UKBT branding, 6 x Wilson game balls, UKBT partner branding, Wilson discount code​​
6 - 10 EVENTS: UKBT branding, 10 x Wilson game balls, UKBT partner branding, Wilson discount code​​
11+ EVENTS: UKBT branding, 15 x Wilson game balls, UKBT partner branding, Wilson discount code, UKBT dryrobe​​
*A tournament that consists of a male & female tournament over the same weekend is classed as 1 event. A mixed event is classed as 1 event. Branding subject to availability and cost.